
VIP 음식 블로거

2025.02.13 추천 0 조회수 21 댓글 0

A woman posing as a food blogger at a high-end restaurant, taking fake glamorous photos of expensive dishes while deceiving the restaurant staff. She looks overly confident, while the chef and waiters in the background look suspicious and skeptical. The scene is comically exaggerated.


한 여자가 유명한 블로거라고 속이고


고급 레스토랑에서 리뷰해주겠다고 


음식만 먹고 리뷰는 안써준 먹튀사건..


우리나라에도 호텔, 카페 등 먹튀 블로거 한때 겁나 많았는데


지금도 있지 않음?


/upload/0e989686387c40d29741bc3bdb820089.webp /upload/81da3e93bae0488daa84b395aecd2838.webp /upload/ec1b436d04c447e98864e6f56e1b388f.webp /upload/4ad0599a5c3942d18559c32d98a92f20.webp


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